Saturday, September 2, 2017

How Can I Improve My Writing?

Good question. Here are several suggestions:

1. Read as many different kinds of writing as you can (e.g., newspapers, magazines, novels, short stories, and so forth). Reading other people's writing helps you to learn new ways of putting words and sentences together to make meaning.

2. Write as often as you can. Keep a private journal. Commit to writing at least one letter a week and mailing it to a friend or family member. Write something for fun--a short story, a letter to the editor, a letter to your state representative, a novel, or any other type of writing that you enjoy.

3. Take a writing course at your local community college. You're never too old to learn more about writing.

4. Join a writer's club and share your writing with other writers. Savor their praises, but don't be defensive if you receive negative feedback. Consider your time there as a learning experience.

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